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Old 12-01-2017, 12:13 AM
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Re: Bangkok Chiong Scene / Massage / AGoGo / Clubs / Disco

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Why is it funny? A scam is a scam is a scam correct? no matter how big or small or deceptive. Dishonesty is all the same in my book.
There's a difference in scams at Patpong Level 2 scam bars from the rest of the coyote bars. U are promised the price of only 1drink but end up harrassed to pay a certain sum before u leave. In coyote bars, u pay what u ordered. Noone can force u to pay what u did not ordered. I will come to the bill padding part later.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
If you read the above quotes, yes, many tourists have been scammed in Coyote bars, with 'bill padding' and thinking they can barfine the Coyote only to be dissapoint. If the bars care more about customer service, they should tell the customer this, but they don't. You blame the customer for not asking, but if you walk into a restaurant and order a coke and get charged $300 baht, is it your fault for not 'asking' the price of a Coke? There's a fine line between reasonable customer expectations and a scam, and for me Coyote bars cross that line.
"bill padding"! Or should i say the customer is too high and horny to notice that someone puts bill into the container without realising? Are u the type who gets too horny watching girls dancing and keep no track/eyes off the container/drinks on your table? So someone could just simply walk past and drop a "E" into your drink without your knowledge either.I have already said coyotes have the "freedom" to select going with customers. Same as baccara. Some girls only go ST. Is that any announcement on the bar( baccara ) saying that?

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
There is no obligation for bars to put up a sign explaining anything. In fact, it seems like you put the onus entirely on the customer to research everything and take full responsibility, while the bar takes no responsiblity. A restaurant does not need to put prices on their menu, its their choice to be honest and forthingcoming if they want. But ones that do not and proceed to overcharge customer is a deceptive practice. Do you blame the restaurant in this case, or the customer for not asking? Whatever your view, any restaurant that have this kind of additude and business practice is a scam in my books.
If u ordered something without a price on the menu, u should just asked how much is it. So far all the prices are stated for all coyote bars i had entered. So if u fucked and got HIV,will u be blaming the condom company instead? u are really funny.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
There is a difference between 'available' and 'forced'. Coyote girls are typically not available, but are marketed in a way to appear that they are. None of your arugments address this core deceptive issue. You keep arguing peripheral points which don't address the core deceptive practice of Coyote bars. This has nothing to do with China KTV, money or spending.
I like to know how many coyote bars u had stepped into in the years of cheonging of bangkok. Who ( which smart alec ) told u that coyote girl are typically not available? 90% of my girls as well as most coyotes i know are available for booking.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
You get 100% in the short term, but in the Long-term, if no customers in Coyote bars, surely your business will be affected and you will lose profits from bars booking your ladies. How can you even argue you aren't financially motivated to support Coyote Bars? I'm sorry this is the worst argument you have made.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but even a bar without customers will still want to have plenty of coyotes to go work/dance, because the smart owners know that without coyotes/girls, there wont be a single customer entering the bar.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Because this is not SG where only the PAP can produce their propaganda and silence and drown the general public with their narrow views, and tell the people how they should think. So far only you seem to praise Coyote Bars, but you are obviously biased to do so. Those Farangs/Japs that visit SC/NP, do they go there looking for Coyotes or Gogo dancers? do they visit the Coyote bars by mistake thinking they are gogo bars where you can barfine? Obviously they visit famous places like Baccarra but this is a Gogo Bar not Coyote. This is why i am interested in hearing other opinions that are not biased. You seem to confuse the popularity of Gogo places like Baccarra with pure Coyote Bars... which i don't hear similar praise and popularity.
I think u should make a trip down to SC/Nana and take a look at the sheer crowd of farangs/japs enjoying themselves in the coyote bars. Instead of talking like this. Those who frequents coyotes bars will know the number of "willing" customers there night after night.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Why do you keep confusing Bacarra and Coyote Bar? Bacarra is clearly a Gogo bar where you can barfine any girl there. The issue is not how popular/expensive Baccara is. The issue I have is the depceptive practice of Coyote's and Coyote Bars like the Arab bars. All your response have failed to address this clearly.
I'm confused? The amount of time/days i clocked my mileage patronising all the coyote bars/agogo bars probably surpassed anyone here.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Again, the issue is not Agogo bars, and you seem to confuse their business practices and that of Coyote Bars such as Arab bars. My complaint is the Coyote bars deceptively 'blur' the options of different girls, and deliberately do a bad job of advising the customer to make more profits. Your arugments seem to blame the customer for not clearly 'asking'. If this is your business model i feel bad for you, in my business i clearly tell my customer all my charges and fees so they are not upset or disappointed and they come back as repeat customer. Maybe this is the reason local Thais are not allowed in Coyote bars because they would be upset with this dishonestly and cause a scene in the bar - I can't think of any other industry that would discriminate against their own people in their own country! Personally, I never blame my customers in my business for not asking things, i consider it my job to be honest and put their satisfaction first.
Ohh really, thais are not allowed at many places. For example, at thaniya ktvs as well. So that's a scam place for u also? Do u even know the culture or anything here? u are really making a joke out of urself. Share with u this info, reason why thais are often not allowed at such joints due to the fact they do not want them to go inside and end up beating up their thai gfs making "things" they are not supposed to. Obviously u really know nothing and just making false statements.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
VBKK, there is no point continuing this argument with you, and i will stop now because you feel strong and stubborn on this issue, and confuse the argument with other issues that don't address the core issue i have described. This is why i wish to hear the views of others to see what they think, but you don't t that is necessary. Again, i think it is very revealing that not a single other person here say they like the infestation of Coyotes, while many other bros clearly dislike it. Just because SC has evolved to this style does not mean that its what the people like/want.
Yup, i feel u should make a trip down to bangkok and take a look at how these "deceitful" coyote bars are doing. How customers are spending as a happy customer instead of a grumbling customer.
"Bewarned of using services. Overpriced , overpromised and dodgy agent